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Alors la je suis ravie!!!

Suite au petit article de Kiara, je me suis decouverte des caracteristiques inattendues!

En tant que Taureau ascendant Vierge:

Star Wars Horoscope for Taurus

You are a dependable creature, but you do tend to be stubborn.
You like material possessions and love to win at games.
You hate being bossed around or losing.
You may succumb to your physical strength when upset.

Star wars character you are most like: Chewbacca

Star Wars Horoscope for Virgo

You show efficiency when working for a good cause.
But you tend to be a bit fussy when it comes to doing something out of the ordinary.
Like many Virgos, you want to stay out of the spotlight.
You do well at picking up the smallest details.

Star wars character you are most like: C3P0

Merci beaucoup Kiara ;)

What is your Star Wars horoscope?

Ecrit par Pascale66, le Lundi 27 Juin 2005, 16:50 dans la rubrique "Divers".

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27-06-05 à 18:27

Uhuh, Chewbacca ascendant C3PO ? C'est rigolo ca ! Drole de mélange :)

Perso c'était Obiwan ascendant Ewok... il manque un peu de Yoda pour refléter ma grande sagesse !! ;)

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